Dark Nuns (2025)

Dark Nuns (2025)
Dark Nuns (2025)
Dark Nuns (2025)
Dark Nuns (2025)

We’re ready to face the forbidden dark.

Desperation drives two nuns to perform an exorcism no nun should attempt. With a possessed child at the mercy of evil and the opposition of the Catholic Church, they take on the dangerous forbidden rituals themselves, putting their immortal souls in grave danger. They must confront the terrifying cost of their sacrilegious actions, but one goal remains: the boy must be saved at all costs.

Dark Nuns
Genre: Drama, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Stars: Song Hye-kyo, Jeon Yeo-been, Lee Jin-uk, Moon Woo-jin, Huh Joon-ho
Release Date: 2025
Country: South Korea
Ratings: 5.4/10
Runtime: 115 mins



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